Which Extinguisher

A simple way to understand which fire extinguisher is needed is the fire triangle. This simple model helps break down the chemical reaction that creates fires.

Three elements – fuel, heat and oxygen – must all be present for a fire to start. Removing any one of these elements prevents or extinguishes fire.

To stop a fire, one of the three elements of the fire triangle must be removed. This helps us determine which extinguisher to use.

Different extinguishers
do different jobs

Fire blanketssuppress a fire, removing the oxygen.

AFFF Foam cools the fire down and removes heat. Foam also starves the fire of oxygen by smothering the flames.

Dry Powder – extinguishes the fire by smothering flames and a chemical reaction.

Water – cools the fire down and removes heat.

Carbon dioxide – cools the fire down and removes heat.

Which extinguisher for which fire?

What are the fire classes?

A Class Fires Fires containing carboaceous materials like paper, wood, straw and textiles. B Class Fires Fire involving petrol (leaded and unleaded), oil (not cooking oil), paint, solvents and greases. C Class Fires Fire involving gases. Fires with Live Electrics Fire involving live electrics.